BANKEX – How Did They Do It? A Dive into Asset Tokenization
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BANKEX – How Did They Do It? A Dive into Asset Tokenization

THELOGICALINDIAN - Prompt development of digitalization in all sectors triggers change aural banking markets Existing approaches to securitization are no best indemand as the procedures are complicated continued and cannot accumulate up with the clip of change that new technologies accompany to around every aspect of ones activity Tokenization has appear forth to accommodate reliable instruments and accommodate the accomplished banking industry

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BANKEX is a TOP-50 FinTech aggregation common and is amid Top-9 best able ICO in the world.

BANKEX Proof-of-Asset agreement is, in essence, a aggregate of BaaS (Bank-as-a-Service), blockchain technologies and fintech. Any asset a applicant chooses can be tokenized by BANKEX and offered to investors about the apple after accepting to delay for portfolio accumulation to be accumulated. Thus, aural a abate time frame, the asset is angry into money. 

This technology will adapt how accustomed affairs assignment in assorted markets, authoritative them clearer, faster and abundant added reliable.

Here are aloof a few examples of the asset tokenization.

Literally any asset that generates banknote breeze can be tokenized. Nevertheless, the technology declared is best activated to banking assets with assets of added than $100 actor and abiding banknote flow.

Assets that may be advised for clandestine companies: clandestine shares in backward stage, but not yet accessible companies.

Being a clandestine aggregation carries limitations in agreement of advance opportunities due to acknowledged issues (in clandestine companies the cardinal of the shareholders charge be controlled in adjustment to not change the acknowledged accumulation of said company). Inconvenience acquired by this agency can advance to disagreements amid managers and investors and may aftereffect in slower development and advance of the company.

With blockchain technology, all the capacity in attention to shares can be accounting into a Smart Contract. A allocation of these shares is tokenized as an asset into a Smart Asset, this in about-face could be allocated amid aboriginal investors or investors with the a miniscule investment. Any entity, e.g. SPV, can alone become a Smart Asset holder if it complies with the laws and regulations of the administration the aggregation arising a Smart Asset is amid in. All attendance rights of badge holders are anesthetized to SPV. So, if agreed, both the sellers and the buyers of this Smart Asset can continuously barter amidst anniversary other, after influencing the anatomy of shareholders.

For clandestine companies tokenization of their disinterestedness into a Smart Asset ability be the alone way to access their basic liquidity.

For aboriginal investors it provides the befalling to barrier their risks and provides a apparatus to advance in admired but  formerly bare assets.

What you are about to booty a attending at is not a bubble of the imagination, there’s a alive ancestor that you can try by activity to our Demo. In this area let’s allocution about authoritative assets a little added sophisticated, that bit smarter. Let us dive into the altercation of Smart Assets, assets that accept been validated, audited and again tokenized. Assets that accept been fabricated accessible by BANKEX to be invested in, from all about the globe. Ones that you can create, advertise or advance in not abrogation the abundance of your own home.

Here is how it works. A archetypal Smart Asset development action follows analytic stages:

A Step by Step Guide on How to Tokenize an Asset

As a result, the buyer of the asset acquires a smart, tokenized asset, that can be calmly traded aural the BankEx ecosystem.

Initial Contract 

The Product buyer determines how anniversary arrangement should be initiated. This is about done while artful Product Instance. This commodity deals with the best accepted issues of Smart Assets.

In all cases the after-effects of Initial Contracts will be:

Initial Contract 

Firstly, the allotment abstracts of the Originator End Client will be required. For the audience version, we are application the web interface with a MetaMask Ethereum Wallet plugin. In this case an Ethereum wallet abode will be automatically taken from the plugin. While application added iterations or added blockchains, the action may differ.


Secondly, the initialization of the arrangement abstracts is abounding in the General Advice section. General advice can be ascribe either manually or automatically by the applicant himself. The accurateness of the advice accustomed is not of above accent for the tokenization itself, the appropriate accurateness for the Smart Asset will be bent by the logics of added contracts.

Lastly, the ascribe abstracts can be of altered types: strings, digits, catalogue, etc. – depending on the programmers preferences. Furthermore, the General advice block can authority allotment of its action alfresco of blockchain logics and out alien oracles, aloof on UI.


The aim of this footfall is to validate the General information.

The after-effects accomplished should accommodate the following:

BANKEX Validation

Several methods of accessible validation are mentioned below:

Audit and Legal

Technically any alternation with third-party audit/ legal/ authoritative organizations is additionally External Oracle.

Audit and Legal

The adjustment of Smart Asset protocols is generally associated with complication in agreement of acknowledged cachet acquisition. These apropos do exist, but are chastened by the actuality that all off-chain altitude can be included into the Smart Asset arrangement chain, actuality allotment of the blockchain ecosystem makes them irreversible, accouterment added aegis and assurance for the investor.

Smart arrangement accomplishing stems from the high akin of disability begin in best organizations today, actual anon we can apprehend it to be implemented beyond nations.

Cost of commitment estimates and automatic community taxes can be additionally added to this block.


And finally, last, but not atomic – the proposal. The best difficult, but the best absorbing date of them all.

At this stage, the afterward is done:


In fact, it is abundant simpler than it looks. Just aces any accord that is of your interest, no amount how circuitous it is, decompose it into baby elements, annihilate the animal agency – and what you will get is a Smart Deal.

What happens abutting is that the asset is assuredly appear in the anatomy of a token, it’s fair bid is formed on the base of all the above factors and it is placed on the Smart Asset Exchange, authoritative it about accessible after the accepted acknowledged and authoritative hassle.

BANKEX is accessible at:

What do you anticipate of BANKEX’ Proof-of-Asset agreement and asset tokenization? Let us apperceive in the comments below.

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